Music becomes a fairy tale: a new music video for Belcantes

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You might remember mountains and cinematic choreographies accompanying the voices of the female chorus Belcantes, but can you imagine a simple song becoming a fairy tale?

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This is the new result Karan Creative Media delivered for Belcantes, creating a visual story for the song “My favourite Things”.

The video is set in a magical location, full of trees and vast spaces.

Here, the chorus is busy doing actually its favourite things: painting, singing, laughing and being together.

The scenography includes the ladies reading a vintage fairy tale book and having a pic-nic. 

All these details already bring you in a magical context, but the video has even a more fantastic vibe with the after effects we placed in the post production.

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From time to time, you would see a shining dark pink lighting appearing in the background or on the girls’ faces, creating a wonderland vibe.

The talent of these singers is even more amplified through the close-ups and the different angles of the camera.

However, this video shows that real magic appears when combining two strong artistic fields: music and video production.