At Karan Creative Media we firmly believe in the power of the images and our silent short movie “The Plant” confirmed our expectations.
What is more powerful, understandable and accessible than visuals?
For instance, the silent short movie “The Plant” can be grasped by anyone, regardless of their nationality, age and cultural background.
This video is a great example of what we love the most at Karan Creative Media: Visual Storytelling.
In order to give this short more impact, Karan Creative Media played with the camera and shot everything from different and unusual perspectives.
We also experimented with different focus and close-ups.
Even if the “silence” part is what makes this play more interesting, it was challenging to keep the attention of the audience engaged, that’s why the video is about a simple gesture and a simple story, that everybody can relate to.
A man throws the garbage. A daily act that we all do. Next to the bin he sees an abandoned plant. He chooses to follow the path of goodness. He takes it home to take care of it. How will the plant repay the gesture? A simple story about giving back and gratitude.
Beyond the images, it is important to highlight also the acting skills of the protagonist, that even though did not speak, he managed to transfer his emotions just with his facial expressions.